


+45 28 23 72 12


Blangstedsgårdsvej 1
5220 Odense SØ


+45 70 70 74 12


Dronningens Tværgade 7
1302 København K

Briefing templates



Hybrid Conference

Hybrid conference

Hybrid conferences and hybrid events combines the physical audience with the digital visual experience.

At Make Sense, we place great emphasis on tailoring and advising on the organization and creation of a hybrid event that benefits all participants both physically and digital.

We advices about venues’ lighting and acoustics, which has to be considered in the amount of participants and the placing of the audience in the room.

We adapt the program so that the experience is just as good for both physical as well as digital participants.

All prices are examples of package compositions.

Hvad er en hybrid konference?

En hybrid konference er en fysisk konference, som også tilgodeser virtuelle deltagere. Arrangøren skaber ofte et digital rum, hvor man kan se med og interagere på samme måde – eller med andre muligheder – som fysiske deltagere.

Hvorfor vælge en hybrid konference?

Fordi du kan få flere deltagere/seere, og mindske klimaaftrykket ved at transportere deltagere ind fra hele verden. Det er dermed også en fordel for virksomheder, som skal tage højde for CSR- og klimapolitik.

Kan vi ikke bare afholde fysiske events?

Jo, men vil du virkelig gå glip af de ekstra deltagere, du kan få med hybrid? For ikke at nævne muligheden for at indsamle data og interaktion fra virtuelle deltagerne? Vi synes, at svaret er oplagt.

Kræver en hybrid konference mere forberedelse?

Ikke nødvendigvis mere. Men det virtuelle rum og flow skal indtænkes i planlægningen af det fysiske event, så du kan tilbyde en virtuel oplevelse på niveau med den fysiske. De første gange man gør det, vil det kræve mere forberedelsestid.

Hybrid starter

—– Most popular —–

go hybrid

go full hybrid 

For the smaller hybrid setup, where you can be up to 50 physical participants, video calls and panelists. Duration up to 3 hours.

Advises about the event

Technical inspection of the venue, in relation to light and sound

Set up and test the day before the event

3x cameras (2 manned)

4 x wireless microphones
Settlement equipment

Integration of PA system for sound in the venue and via stream

Integration of Power Point

Monitor with multi view in the studio

Monitor with program view in the studio

Talk back system between the production and the host

Airlook package 1

Handeling and settlement of external video files

Tailored light equipment (1)

Up to 3 x video call. 1 call at the time.

Technical check of the video calls

Recording and handover of the stream 1:1

1 x Project leader / Production leader

1 x Settlement producer

1 x Sound producer

2 x Photographer

from 79.995,-

Remember to check the livestream requirements *

For the bigger hybrid setup, where you can be up to 200 physical participants, video calls and panelists. Duration up to 4 hours.

Advises about the event

Technical inspection of the venue, in relation to light and sound

Set up and test the day before the event

4x cameras (2 manned)

8 x wireless microphones
Settlement equipment

Integration of PA system for sound in the venue and via stream

Integration of Power Point

Monitor with multi view in the studio

Monitor with program view in the studio

Talk back system between the production and the host

Airlook package 2

Handeling and settlement of external video files

Tailored light equipment (1)

Up to 5 x video call. 2 calls at the time.

Technical check of the video calls

Recording and handover of the stream 1:1

1 x Project leader / Production leader

1 x Settlement producer

1 x Chief producer

1 x Sound producer

2 x Photographer

1 x Sound assistant

from 129.995,-

Remember to check the livestream requirements *

The large hybrid event with the possibility of a correspondent function, hard talk studio and live stream from the stage with presenters. Duration up to a whole day.

Advising about the event

Technical inspection of the venue, in relation to light and sound

Set up and test the day before the event

6 x cameras (3 manned)

10 x wireless microphones
Settlement equipment

Integration of PA system for sound in the venue and via stream

Integration of Power Point

Monitor with multi view in the studio

Monitor with program view in the studio

Talk back system between the production and the host

Airlook package 3

Handeling and settlement of external video files

Tailored light equipment (1)

Unlimited video calls. 4 calls at the time.

Technical check of the video calls

Recording and handover of the stream 1:1

1 x Project leader / Production leader

1 x Settlement producer

1 x Chief producer

1 x Sound producer

2 x Photographer

1 x Sound assistant


Correspondent position in Denmark. Sends live.


Mediacorner with 1 x video journalist for interview of presenters (up to 5 x interview film incl. Clips from debate / keynote / presentation)


Advice on study structure

from 299.995,-

Remember to check the livestream requirements *

Airlook package 1

Airlook package 1 consists of: Animated (live) graphics with intro, breaker, stinger, crawler, up to 5 name tags, outro and technical accident

Airlook package 2

Airlook package 2 consists of: Animated (live) graphics with intro, breaker, stinger, crawler, up to 10 name tags, outro and technical accident

Airlook package 3

Airlook package 3 consists of: Animated (live) graphics with intro, breaker, stinger, crawler, up to 20 name tags, outro and technical accident

Tailor-made light package

The tailor-made light package relies on a technical inspection of the venue for the event.

Ekstra udstyr
MakeSense logo

The written above is an example of standard packages which can be used, but special needs or wishes may apply.

Transportation: We settle the transport cost from the nearest Make Sense office in resp. Odense or Copenhagen.

* Requirements for all live productions
Access to a minimum of 5 x 220V power plugs
Internet: dedicated wired connection min. 100/100
Contact to a technical manager at the location of the livestream. All the graphics must be approved no later than 5 days before the event. The reason is, one thing to fix might change large parts of the remaining graphics, and that means extra work.

In case we are setting up the day before as well as a full day of settlement, we would like you to provide food and drinks.

Dive into some of our projects


Launch Video – Google Home

Launch Video – Google Home

Assignment When Google launched the Danish language in the smart device in the autumn of 2018, Make Sense was chosen to produce the launch video. The video was produced in collaboration with our partner, Communications and PR Bureau Geelmuyden-Kiese. Solution We...

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Campaign video – B&O A1

Campaign video – B&O A1

Assignment Exclusivity, purity of style and quality are three of the things that B&O is associated with. Therefore it's an absolute requirement for B&O that all their material has the same vibe as the one they are associated with. For that reason, they went to...

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Livestream – Toyota Yaris Cross

Livestream – Toyota Yaris Cross

Assignment Toyota Denmark would like to give their fans a sneak peek out of the ordinary with a launch on Facebook. The ambition was a real Danish premiere of international caliber, which meant that Make Sense was the only real partner to work with. Solution With a...

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